Surrendering to the “I am”
Aren’t you like the water in the river?
Holding onto water doesn’t make sense
and pushing water away neither
All that can be done is to surrender to this river called life
All the coming and goings...
…embrace them with awareness… this is you
I wrote this poem a year ago in Rishikesh while watching the river Ganges and while attending Mooji’s satsangs.
With this poem I’m trying to say that the “selfs” that we often identify with for example the body, the mind etc. are fluid, it does not make sense to hold on to any versions of it. It also raises the question who is suppose to be holding on to it as the something that is nature fluid can’t hold on to something else that is fluid. At the same time to hold on to pleasant experiences and push unpleasant ones away, is an illusion and discouraging peace.
I think we do not control this river called life, I suspect this movie might be predetermined, so there is not much to do, but a lot to “BE”. This is pointing to a spiritual practice of not identifying oneself with the body nor mind and not to be affected by the nature of it’s experiences. In other words the invitation is: See what happens.
In addition to this, experiential avoidance of “what is” can create more suffering than is already inherent to this experience called life. Our inner and outer reality is constantly changing, comings and goings. We can live with more peace if we realize who we really are: awareness of awareness. Surrendering to the fact that change is inherent to reality.
But is this “surrendering” something that can be done? Or is it something that is? Or does this just happen as well and if so, can it be observed? Because who or what is it, that is surrendering? I start to come to an little understanding of this, but to Talk the talk, is different from walking the walk, but let’s see what happens ;-). I assume that the path and the one walking it are not separate and in that case there is nowhere to go and no one to be, but here and now.
Inspired by Mooji, Sri Ramana and a friend.